A news package usually runs for 1.20 to 2.00 in length. This is one of the longest type of news storytelling found on TV. A news package is usually what is used in the news when they cut from the studio to the location of the story and where it is happening. News packages usually contain the long stories in depth which is filmed in the location of where the action is taking place. We see field reporters presenting what happens in the news package, typically you would have the anchor presenting however in news packages we see the field reporter presenting.
Field Reporter :
The field reporter is the anchor of the news package. The person who delivers and presents the news to the audience. The news anchor would be a professional expert in the field which they are presenting. The way in which they are dressed would inform the audience of the atmosphere and location as to where they are. So depending on their field their costume will change, to match the location and the situation. For example a field reporter in a mountain location would typically be wearing warm clothing compared to a field reporter in a hot location, Field reporters are used in news packages because the best way for the audience to get involved and interact is if the presenter is an expert in their field and if they are part of the story. By having the field reporter present the news it makes it more believable that they have the knowledge required for the job which they are doing.
Links to Studio:
This is when the news links to the studio. Where the audience get to see the field reporter interacting with the studio. This makes it more believable for the audience and makes the story more realistic. This is a convention used in news packages, this is where the audience are able to see the main anchor talking to the field reporter who is at a different location. This is usually shown live however it may also be a pre-recorded footage. This convention focuses on the camera language of how the reporter presents and how the footage is shown back at the studio. The man aspects of this convention is how the camera captures the footage to back up the news making it more engaging for the audience. The field reporters are then able to present the news with the help of footage as evidence which then can support their story allowing the presenter at the studio to ask questions for the field reporter to answer.
Mode of address to viewer:
This convention is used in many news packages however it is different each time as the mode of address depends on the audience as well as the story being covered. If the news package is about a serious topic the mode of address is most likely to be formal and direct. Meaning the presenters voice will come across as clear and direct allowing the audience to understand the issue of the topic and how it is serious. The language used by the presenter will also depend on the issue and the story being told. How complexed the language is and how certain words may be used to express different issues will depend on the story and also who the story is being told to, so the target audience and whether they will understand certain terms used.
Interviewing Experts and Witnesses:
Another convention which is used in news packages is the use of interviews. In order for the audience to believe the stories being presented to them its important to have experts and witnesses who are part of the story. This allows the audience to engage more with the presenter as they know what is being presented to them is real. Having experts and eye witnesses effects the audience as they are more convinced that the story is true.The reason as to why only part of the interview is show is because the important part of the interview must be shown to the audience and there is not enough time to show the whole footage of the interview within the new package. Also because part of the footage may not be relevant and necessary for the news package story.
Report Structure:
This is how the presenter will present the report. This convention would involve the anchor signing in and out, making sure they mention who they are and where they are reporting the story from, the main topic/issue and lastly concluding the story with their expert opinions. The report structure will also include archive footage and interviews. This is shown to back the story and what the anchor has to say to the audience. Allowing the audience to believe the issues which have been presented to them. The reason for this convention is so that the news package has every aspect which makes it reliable and accurate. Having achieve footage and interviews makes the facts more reliable and makes the story more professional. This convention is used so that the new package is professional the anchor is able to present knowing what to do when and how long they have to spend in each section.
Actuality Footage:
Actuality footage is when the footage is taken at the time of action. This means when it is happening live and usually its recorded by those who are not so professional as they get footage of when it happens. The footage is not so clear as it is filmed on the go meaning when the action happens anyone who is able to record part of the scene will film what they can. This is an advantage for the news as the audience are able to see how the atmosphere is like at that specific time and what's happening live at that moment in time. This has a huge affect on the audience as they find it more believable seeing what happens, this creates a connection with the audience and the issue as they are able to see the situation live, which makes it more serious creating more meaning for the audience. Another reason as to why news packages use actuality footage is because its not really likely for people to capture the footage when they are a victims of the issue. So those filming are usually people who are in the situation by chance and are able record part of it.
Mode of address to viewer:
This is when the anchor gives the audience news and how they present the news. For example the type of language they use, weather its complexed or simple. Its also on how the anchor refers to the audience and weather they are used in the news report. At 0.15 we hear the anchor referring to people which includes the audience at home. Straight away the news report refers to the audience which means they are involving the audience making the atmosphere more personal. Using the word 'people' will allow the audience to know that they to come under the category which means the news reporter can be linked to them. At 0.27 when we hear the translators voice who is translating what the guy is saying we get to know that the issue is serious. This is because the news revealed is serious and also because the tone of voice allows us to know the translator is well educated and knows what he is saying. At 0.44 when we hear the news anchor we can tell he is well educated by his grammar and also the way he phrases his words. He mentions technical words however they are not words which the audience will not understand. For example 'restraint' would be a word which is technical as the anchor could have said control however used a word which is more professional. At 1.21 when we hear the anchor speaking we can tell he is giving us the information in bit instead of talking fast he is talking in a slow pace allowing the audience to pick up on the knowledge provided. Also allowing the audience to understand the knowledge provided. The anchor in this news reporter is fact provider as he is giving facts throughout the whole news report.
Interviewing experts and witnesses:
This allows the news reporter to be much more formal and reliable as the information provided is told by someone who was part of the story. It creates a trust between the audience and news anchor. It allows the audience to see how the witness reacted to the situation and how the situation affected their life. The camera techniques used while interviewing the witness was mainly mid at 0.28 as it allows the audience to understand the witness at a personal level. We can see the witness and his reactions. As audience we can also see the background at 0.24 which allows us to see the situation they are in and also the location which they are at. This creates a meaning allowing us to understand the problems they are facing. The location adds significance as it is located where the news report is based we see this at 0.23. The status of the interviewee is not so good. As audience we can tell the witness is a middle class working guy. This is because at 0.28 when we hear the witness saying he spent his own money to buy a tractor to look for his brother. This allows us to know that he has money however he has not got so much that he can spend it whenever and wherever, he has sufficient amount and uses it on things which he needs and things which benefit him. At 1.12 we see a shot which has graphics on it as the label allows us to know where it happened and what it is. The red arrow allows the audience to get a better understanding of where the secondary explosion took place. The expert in this news report is a knowledgeable person as they are delivering the news with facts allowing the audience to have a better understanding on the circumstances. For example at 1.13 when the expert is going through the shot of the secondary explosion and explain it in detailing to inform the audience of what is happening. The witness in this new report is at the event of where this is all happening. Instead of having a vox popper this news report has a witness which was live at the event. This allows the audience to believe the news more as they have received information from someone live at the time and someone who is not just giving their opinion but stating what they actually saw.
Report structure:
At 0.04 we hear the anchor introducing the news. This allows the audience to know and understand what the news report is going to be about. It allows them to get background knowledge on the issue. The context is given at the start when introduced as the anchor explains who, where, when, how and why thought the first part. We find out this information at the beginning. As audience we find out the people in Gaza where affected by the damage from over night air wave at 0.08. At 1.48 we see an archive footage of how they have been creating better weapons. Having this archive footage allows us to see what they have created. It creates more meaning for the audience as we are able to see it and this pre-recorded shot allows the audience to see what they have made. At 0.28 we see the witness explaining his condition and his families condition because of what happened in Gaza. In this news report the facts presented have been shown in various ways. For example at 0.08 there was a voice over and we can see what the anchor is talking about. At 0.53 we see a member of the united nation give their say on the issue. Thereafter at 1.00 when we see the graphics of the area, we hear a voice over explaining the graphics. This allows the audience to stay engaged throughout the news as it uses all types of techniques from voice overs, graphics and archive footage. At 1.28 we get to see the location again in a different area. This allows the audience to see different areas and the circumstances in the same country but different location. At 2.36 we hear the anchor signing out. He gives his name, company and place where he is singing out from. This allows the audience to know where the presenter is speaking from as he didn't introduce himself in the beginning when giving an introduction. However signing in with his name is not necessary as the audience are more interested in the story which is why this news report goes straight in to the story.
Actuality footage:
This news report was filmed professionally as the shots are clear and visible. This news report was serious and the footage was showing the after affects of the air wave. This however allowed the audience to see the situation of how peoples lives were affected. We get to hear about how it happened at 0.09. We then see the affects of the issue at 0.28 when we see people houses demolished. This is a actuality footage as we can see what the house is like at that time, and how the people were affected by the air wave. This news report uses the actuality footage throughout however it was cut so that graphics, archive footage and witness are also involved. For example we start with an actuality footage as 0.06 as we see the damages which took place over night. The contextualization used in this news report is more on what happened after the disaster. The presenter speaks through voice over allowing the audience to see the damages instead of seeing the person giving the facts. However we see the witness giving his statement of what happened and how it affected him at 0.20. We also see the witness speaking Arabic at 0.23 and there is a translator explaining what he is saying as the audience will be able to understand the translator. This also allows us to see how the this shot is an actuality footage as the person speaking is speaking another language meaning they are not so professional and educated to speak English, which then indicates that this was filmed at the time of the event.