What: The first part of my documentary will start off with a disclaimer. This will allow my audience to be aware that my documentary is for the purpose of my media project and not for the purpose of finance.
Why:This section is necessary because, allowing my audience to be aware that this documentary is for educational purposes will allow them to engage more with my documentary. This allows them to be aware that the documentary is for educational purposes.
Who:In this part of the documentary no one is visible. The only thing which will appear on the screen is the disclaimer logo and nothing else.
Location: This part of the documentary does not have a location as it is just an image which is shown on the screen.
Duration: This is important and necessary and in order for my audience to see it, it must be up for at least 5 seconds so people can see it and understand its purpose. (5 seconds)
Section 2: Title introduction
What: This part of the documentary is when I will have graphics and a voice over of what my documentary is going to be on. The title is important as the audience first get to see what the documentary will be on.
Why:This will allow the audience to be aware of what the topic on. Having an introduction slide will also be professional as the audience can see what the documentary is going to be about.
Who:This part of the documentary does not have anyone on screen as it is just graphics on what the topic is going to be about. There is no one actually visible or part g the documentary on this section specifically.
Location: There is no location needed in this section. This will be a scene with graphics and a voiceover which is why the location does not count for this section.
Duration:The duration for this will be short as it is just graphics with a voice over. I feel this ould last for 10 seconds on screen,
Section 3: Opening montage of what is going to happen
What:In this section I will have an opening montage and in this opening montage I will make sure I include what the documentary will include. Having an opening montage will be different and unique for a documentary which is why I want to do an opening montage.
Why:This is a unique idea which is not usually used in documentaries. That is one reason as to why I do want to carry it out in my documentary, I feel it will give my documentary a different touch to it. Allowing my audience to see an insight as to what my documentary will hold.
Who: In this part of the documentary I will not be in it, This is an opening sequence of all the shots. The opening montage will include all the relevant shots from the documentary into one section of the documentary.
Location:The locations will vary as throughout the documentary I will be in different places and also be apart of different location. All the locations will vary and in this section there isnt a significant location.
Duration: This section will not last long as it is an opening sequence. It will only last for about 10 seconds as I don't want to drag it out.
Section 4: Speaking about what the topic is
What:This is the section where I will speak directly to my audience, I will be speaking about the documentary title and what I want to present and find out in my documentary. Speaking about this topic will allow my audience to form a relationship with me and a presenter.
Why: If I speak to my audience about the topic it allows me to form a good relationship with the audience. Having this section will allow my audience to understand what I am going to do in my documentary.
Who: I will be in this section of the documentary as I will be speaking about what I will be finding out in the documentary.
Location: I am planning to do this in an open space for example the garden or outdoors. The reason for this is because I have my own personal space to move about and it makes the documentary more interesting.
Duration: This section will last for at least 15 seconds as I have to be able to involve everything in my documentary. I need to have enough time to briefly describe what I will be searching and finding out in my documentary.
Section 5: Vox pop
What:This is the section where I will interview random people and ask them three important questions. All the questions asked will be the same as it is necessary to make sure the questions asked are relevant to the topic. Asking the same question will allow me to see what people think personally.
Why:This is because I want my documentary to also have other people thoughts. By using vox pops it will make my documentary more interesting. It wont be basedon myself but other students in my school.
Who: I will have different students from my school being part of the vox pops. The vox pops I feel will be interesting if I use students who are different, and some who get stressed and others who dont. It would be good to see the difference.
Location: The location is my school. I will be filming people in different parts of the school. I will try to film in different places to make it more entertaining.
Duration: The vox pop consists of 3 key questions and I will be asking 8 different students. The vox pops wont be altogether. The questions will be asked and presented in the documentary at different times, However I feel throughout the documentary it will take up to 2 minutes. This is one of the main aspects of my documentary.
Section 6: Establishing shot of school
What:This section will allow me to have a change in my documentary. Having an establishing shot will make it more visually entertaining for the audience. Establishing shots also allow the audience to know where the documentary is heading.
Why: This allows my audience to believe where I am filming. This will also make the documentary different in terms of shots as i will have a range of different shots. Establishing shots are also visually engaging and interesting to audience as they dont always want to see shots of the same thing.
Who: In this particular shot no one is involved. Its a shot of the building which is why no one has to be part of the shot.
Location: The location would be the outside of school as this is what I have decided to use as an establishing shot.
Duration:This will last for at least 5 seconds as the audience just need to be able to see the location. They don't need to see it for long and I will have graphics at the bottom allowing my audience to know where I am.
Section 6: Interview with a Psychotherapist
What:This section is the part where I will interview a psychotherapist and find out how they deal with stress. By interviewing a Psychotherapist I can find out what they suggest people should do. I can also find out how stress affects the mind.
Who: This part will include me and the psychotherapist lady. I will be interviewing her and she would be responding to my questions.
Location: I am hoping to film in her office however incase of any difficulties I may film her in a local cafe. This is only if necessary otherwise I will film in her office.
Duration: This is an important aspect of my documentary and I will be filming this for about 1 minute. I have different questions which are required and can act as evidence in my shots. This will last at least 1 minute.
Section 7: Interview with year 12 student
What:In this section I will interview a year 12 student who has recently started a levels. I will find out what stresses this student. I will also find out how she is able to balance her subjects and whether she gets stressed and able to deal with the different subjects.
Why: This will be a different aspect in my documentary. Having a new student speaking ill show how different stages of school life also affect a person.
Who: In this section it will be me and a student in year 12. This student will talk about how they feel about sixth form, their subject and the change between GCSE and Alevel.
Location: This will be in the school. The reason for this is because I want to show that the atmosphere has importance and relates to my shots.
Duration: I don't want this section to last long as it is not necessary. I feel 20 seconds would e enough time to find out how this year 12 feels.
Section 8: Interview with lady who is a full time worker and mother
What: In this section I am filming a full time worker and mother. The reason for this is because I want to show how not only students through stress but parents also.
Why: They have a lot of responsibilities and finding out how they feel will be interesting. This will be different as my documentary is mostly based on students which is why it will be different and unique in my documentary,
Who: I will be in this section asking the questions and my aunty who is the full time worker and mother will be interviewed.
Location:I want to make it more personal so I will be filming in my house. The reason for this is because I want my audience to be aware that we share a close relationship and I understand what she does as a worker and mother.
Duration: This interview will not last long. I will ask the relevant questions and I am hoping for it to last at least 20 seconds.
What: This is a shot of the location I will be in. This will allow my audience to be aware of where I am filming. This will allow them to see where I am and how the location relates.
Why: This allows my audience to believe where I am filming. This will also make the documentary different in terms of shots as i will have a range of different shots. Establishing shots are also visually engaging and interesting to audience as they dont always want to see shots of the same thing.
Who: No one is in this shot as it is an establishing shot of the cafe.
Location: The location is Waterloo cafe which is where I will be filming the outside of the cafe.
Duration: The duration will not last long as it is only an establishing shot of the cafe to allow my audience to be aware of the location. I feel 5 seconds shot be enough.
Section 10: Interview with stress specialist
What: This is the section where I will have an interview with a stress specialist. This will allow me to find out real facts and find out how the stress specialist helps people deal with stress.
Why: This will provide evidence for my documentary and has a good impression on my audience. They are able to see what a stress specialist advice to people when under stress and how to deal with it.
Who: This will be a interview between me and the stress specialist. We both will be in the shot and I will make sure she answers all the necessary and required questions.
Location: As the office is based outside of London it means I will not be able to travel to the office. However the stress specialist made it convenient for me by agreeing to film in cafe in Waterloo.
Duration: This interview is evidence for my documentary which is why the duration will last for at least 1 minute. The facts will be important and necessary to use in my documentary.
Section 11: Different ways to reduce stress
What: I will use facts from my interviews to allow my audience to be aware of how to reduce stress. I will use my interviews as evidence and talk my way through this section by providing educational facts that will help and motivate people.
Why: This is presenting facts to my audience. Using my interview as evidence I can present facts and information to my audience. This will provide educational information for my audience.
Who: I will be discussing this, however I may add the interview at the bottom to show that I have evidence to what I am saying.
Location: The location will be in the garden. The reason for this is because I will use the garden as a location of relaxation. I will also like to show my audience that the garden can be a relaxing atmosphere for my audience.
Duration: This will not last long as I already have evidence for this. It will last for at least 10 seconds.
Section 12: Park-exercising
What:This section is where I will be exercising and allow my audience to be aware that one way to deal with stress is also through exercise.
Why:This will show my audience visuals of what I am actually doing. By filming this they are able to see that I have evidence to back my facts also with the details I put in my documentary.
Who: I will be part of this and anyone who wishes to take part will be welcome to. However I need people permission before I start filming with them in my shots.
Location: This is based in the park.I will start off with running in the park and use running as a form of exercise in my documentary
Duration:I will film this again for only 10 seconds as that its enough time to show different forms of exercising as well as running in the park.
Section 13: How I felt after exercise
What: It is important that I allow my audience to know how I felt after exercising. As this is one of the methods I have to do to deal with stress. Using this method I will also have to make sure that I allow my audience to be aware of how I feel after exercising.
Why: This will allow my audience to know exactly how I felt. Everyone feels a certain way and sharing my emotions will allow me to form a relationship with my audience.
Who: I will solely be describing how I feel. I may have people in the background exercising to show the atmosphere. However I will be the only one describing how I personally feel.
Location: This will be based in the park. I will start off with running in the park and use running as a form of exercise in my documentary. Thereafter I will talk about how I felt,
Duration:I will film this again for only 10 seconds as that its enough time to talk about how I felt. It will also allow my audience to see how I felt and be a part of my journey.
Section 14: Meditation
What:This is the section where I will actually meditate and see how meditation feels. Using meditation as one method to deal with stress is my plan and what I am planning to do in my documentary, I feel meditation will be an important aspect of my documentary as it is different and one way to deal with stress.
Why: This is part of my experiment and I get to see which method helps best when dealing with stress. It also allows me to see which method I prefered for my own convenience.
Who: This will be me and anyone else who is willing to be filmed while meditating. I need to get permission as to who wont mind being in it before filming as i cant film without people permission.
Location:This will be based in a gym. I will film people in the gym and I will also be meditating in a gym where they do meditation as an exercise to relax.
Duration: I don't want to film myself meditating for long. I feel I only need to show at least 10 seconds for people to be able to understand how they should meditate.
Section 15: How I felt after meditation
What:This is the section where I will speak about how I feel after mediating. Its important to allow my audience to know how I felt as they are also part of this journey to know what methods are best and which method is most useful.
Why: This is a section where I have a personal touch to my documentary. By showing how I personally feel after meditation will allow my audience to see the journey along side with me and how they believe I feel.
Who: I will be part of this and I will also have people meditating with me however I will be the one sharing my experience.
Location: This will be in the gym and I will make sure I also film how I feel straight after doing it in the gym. That would be interesting and also allow my audience to see how I felt. I will also be able to express myself more after doing it.
Duration: This wont last long as I don't want to drag it. The audience just need t know how I feel. I feel 10 seconds should be enough to describe how I felt.
Section 16: What I feel helped best
What: This part of the documentary is when I will mention which method is best and I will also provide evidence for this. I will explain why I feel it helped best and what changes I have personally felt after going through these methods and trying out different methods.
Why:This will allow my audience to be aware of which method they should use when they are going through a stressful stage. Ir will allow them to understand what they must do and provide help for them.
Who:I will be speaking about this and I will use my interview with the specialist as evidence to back what I am presenting to the audience. Me speaking to the audience will be more accurate and reliable if I use evidence which I have found out personally.
Location:This will be outside to change the location up a little. Speaking outside will not restrict me from moving around. It will allow me to move around freely while speaking about what method is best.
Duration:This part of the documentary will be important and necessary to include. I dont want to make it long as other sections emphasis on this however I feel 30 seconds is enough time to speak about what method is best.
Section 17:Summary of what I will do to deal with stress
What:This part if where I will have different shots on screen and with voice over I will explain what the shot is on, This summary will provide information and educate the audience as to what methods audience should do to deal with stress.
Why:This is the best way to allow audience to understand as to how they can deal with stress. Showing the audience a summary and speaking with a voice over will be more engaging than standing in front of the camera.
Who: I will be part of this section. As I will be speaking in the voice overs. I will be speaking through the shots which is why I will be part of this section.
Location: The location varies as I will be in different locations in the shots. The locations will vary from the park to cafe etc.
Duration:This is also an important section and by using different shots and speaking through voice overs I will present facts to my audience. These facts will come from my interview with specialist, This will last 10 seconds.
Section 18: Conclusion of what I have found out
What:In this part of the documentary I am planning to talk directly to the camera. This will be me talking in to the camera about what I have found out and what I feel is the best way to reduce and overcome stress. I will do different tasks were I personally experience it however this is the part where I tell the audience about which technique is most helpful.
Why:This will allow my audience to see what I feel best helped. It will also allow my audience to educate from the information which I have received. In order for my audience to see which mentioned helped best to deal with stress I have to do a conclusion as well as presenting evidence.
Who: In this part of the documentary I will be pat of the documentary, Again I will speak in the documentary about the different methods I tried out and which one was the best. Which method helped best and which method was most useful.
Location: This will be filmed in the classroom as I will be sitting down when speaking about which method helped best. I will speak in brief about every section apart from the section which helped the most.
Duration:This part of the documentary will be where I will be speaking about which method helped best. I will be speaking about the method which is best suitable and helpful. As I will be covering a lot in this section I feel it will make up to 30 seconds.
Section 19: Ending montage of everything in the documentary with facts on stress
What: This is an ending scene where I want to merge all the part of the documentary together. I will use background sound to make it more interesting and enjoyable for the audience.
Why:I feel this will be a different element to the documentary. I also feel this element will be interesting as it will be a little recap for the audience to see what the documentary has in it. This part will also allow the people to remember what the documentary emphasised on and what people must do to deal with stress.
Who: In this part of the documentary no one will be visible however there will be a background song to make it interesting. I will use stress relief music which is calm piano music as I will also use this during the title introduction and to re use it will be a good ending.
Location:This part of the documentary does not have a location. All the scenes will be shown which means that the locations will vary and will overall be everywhere I plan to visit in my documentary.
Duration: This is the ending and I am planning not to make it too long as al these shots have been shown. I feel 20 seconds should be enough and also the right length to go through a recap of what has taken place in the documentary.
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