Thursday, 23 October 2014

Class ideas for my documentary

These are the different types of ideas I have gathered from my class mates about different ideas which I could potentially use for my documentary. Considering these ideas I have also decided to consider what I personally feel about different situations and which topic am I personally more interested in. The topics I have decided to do is one of the following:

-Why do I have stress?
-How does insomnia affect peoples daily life?
-Why do people have animal phobias?

The reason I have decided to do one of the above is because I personally can get involved in the topics and also because I feel these topics are different and unique to what people have done in the past. I feel either of the three topics I have decided to do will be beneficial for myself as well as my target audience as they could learn about different things which they may not have known before. I also feel these topics are interesting and to find out more about them interests me as an individual.

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