Saturday, 7 February 2015

Production Log 6

What progress did you make since your previous entry?

As this was the last week to edit I made sure every shot was perfect. After going through the documentary I realised that I had to do extra voice overs and also put a background song throughout my whole documentary. The extra voice overs were for the sections were I had graphics. The voice notes make it more professional.

What logistical challenges did you face and how did you overcome them?

The logistical challenges I faced was deciding what sections needed voice notes. The reason I found this difficult is because I had to make sure that I didn't fill my whole documentary with voice notes and in sections were it wasn't necessary. I also faced problems in deciding whether I should use the voice over at the end of have me speaking to the camera.

What technical challenges did you face this
 week and how did you overcome them?

The only technical problem I faced was that I had not saved the voice notes in the correct file which meant when rendering it was not found. I overcame this problem by putting the voice notes in the correct file and adding it back to my documentary.

What targets do you aim to achieve before your next entry?
My documentary entry has come to an end. I was able to successfully film and edit all that was planned. A lot of my documentary is different to what I had planned however, I did overcome every situation were I faced problems.

Saturday, 31 January 2015

Production Log 5

What progress did you make since your previous entry?

I have filmed the ending to my documentary which was what I had planned. I made sure that I didn't film it once but twice so that I could choose which one looks better when editing. I also filmed different shots for the ending as I was unsure which ending will look good and go with my documentary. 

What logistical challenges did you face and 
how did you overcome them?
I faced trouble deciding how to end my documentary and weather I should end it talking to the camera or through a voice over. I overcame this by having a chat with my media teacher to see what she thought. After receiving feedback I decided that I would end it with a light hearted sarcastic comment. As my documentary is based on stress I ended it by saying 'As part of my documentary I have shown many techniques and ways to reduce stress however, Im under a lot of stress as I have a media documentary to finish editing'. My teacher liked this idea alot which is why I decided to stick to that idea.

What technical challenges did you face this week and how did you overcome them?
I did not face any technical problem this week which was good as it meant that I had more time to edit and do other things. As it was coming to the end of my editing I realised that I had to refilm some voice notes. This was one of the technical changes and I overcame it by redoing it.

What targets do you aim to achieve before your next entry?
My aim is to be able to finish editing as my deadline is on Monday. I need to go through my documentary and see if there is anything which I can improve on and make changes to the documentary.I also feel as though I can add more graphics which I will also do.

Saturday, 24 January 2015

Production Log 4

What progress did you make since your previous entry?
As I was unable to have an interview with the doctor so I decided to film a support teacher.  The reason I decided to film a support teacher is because is matches the section of my documentary where I speak to students related to stress. I also decided that Vox pops was no longer relevant in my documentary as I had a section which covered that sector. I had also done voice notes which were required and also finished any editing which had to be complete.  I was able to edit my interview with Miss Hobbs. I also interviewed my mother as I wanted a parents input in to my documentary and having them speaking about how stress affects their child and themselves. 

What logistical challenges did you face and 

how did you overcome them?
Although I tried many ways to get an interview with the doctor I failed in my attempts which is why I had to think of something else. I decided that it would be interesting to see what a support teacher has to say in regards to stress and students. I overcame not being able to film the doctor by finding someone else who was able to do an interview.

What technical challenges did you face this week and how did you overcome them?
I did not face any technical problem this week which was good as it meant that I had more time to edit and do other things. I was able to manage my time and make more use out of the time I had.

What targets do you aim to achieve before your next entry?
My aim is to be able to finish editing as my deadline is on Monday and I still have to film the ending to my documentary. I believe this can be done by Thursday latest giving me time to re film anything which may need to be done.

Saturday, 17 January 2015

Production Log 3

What progress did you make since your previous entry?
I called the doctors surgery to find out whether I could have an interview with the doctor. I thereafter sent a letter as I had to explain what the questions will include. I also went out to film some shots of school which I need for a part in my documentary. I also went out to film my vox pops however no one was willing to film which was a disadvantage which meant I had to change locations.

What logistical challenges did you face and how did you overcome them?
I had called the doctors however I also had to send them a letter explaining the questions I want to ask the doctor. I also faced problems getting people to be filmed for the vox pop. I overcame this by deciding to change location however I still faced the same problem. I need to think of another alternative.

What technical challenges did you face this week and how did you overcome them?
I did not face any technical problem this week which was a benefit for me as it meant that I had more time to edit. The only problem was trying to get people to be filmed for the vox pop, otherwise there was no other technical problem.

What targets do you aim to achieve before your next entry?

My aim is to be able to film vox pops again and hopefully find people to be in it.  I was not able to film the vox pops as no one was willing to do them so I’m going to have to change my location again and hopefully be more successful in my attempts to film. I am also hoping to film the doctor if I receive a reply and permission hopefully, before the end of the week, If not I have to change things in my documentary and make amendments.  

Saturday, 10 January 2015

Production Log 2

What progress did you make since your previous entry?

I was able to finish the first editing of the interview however I may have to improve some sections and also change sections which may not fit in the structure of the documentary. I was also able to record my voice notes and also put them in to my documentary.  However I was not able to get an appointment with the doctor.

What logistical challenges did you face and how did you overcome them?

I had emailed the doctor surgery to see as to whether I could get a time to film the doctor however I did not receive a reply. To overcome this i decided to call the surgery however I got told that the doctor is busy with appointments so I won’t be able to get an appointment.  I will have to come up to with another alternative as I won’t be able to film with the doctor.  

What technical challenges did you face this week and how did you overcome them?

time-management1I did not face any technical problem this week which was a benefit for me as it meant that I had more time to edit. I was able to add the voice notes which I had done and add them in to my documentary. By having no technical problems I realised I had extra time which benefited me. I had more time to plan and edit and also finish editing other sections in my documentary. I was able to finish the opening to my documentary.

What targets do you aim to achieve before your next entry?

My aim is to be able to film vox pops as i was unable to do this week. I was not able to film the vox pops as no one was willing to do them so I’m going to have to change my location. I also want to be able to add any texts in to my documentary which may be necessary for example the name of the interviewee and what their profession is. I am also going to look for an alternative for an interview with someone who will be significant to my documentary. 

Saturday, 3 January 2015

Production Log 1

What progress did you make since your previous entry?
London Eye Parking
This is the first week were I began to film. I had one interview with a psychotherapist. This interview was held in her clinic. I also filmed some opening shots in Waterloo and London Bridge. I wanted to give my documentary a visually appealing start for the audience. Instead of filming close to home I decided it would be more interesting have London main attractions at the beginning of my documentary. I also filmed students in my school as I also wanted to have a section were I find out how people are stressed and what the reason. If a student is stressed because of workload or exams, and how it affects them. I want to use this section and relate to the vox pop as I will be able to see how an adult and student differ in terms of stress. Thereafter I will be able to speak about stress and explain how it affects people of all ages.

5 Common Social Media Marketing Challenges Faced by Small BusinessesWhat logistical challenges did you face and how did you overcome them?
I had received an email from Vanessa the stress management worker that she could not be able to be in my documentary. This caused problems as I was supposed to have an interview with Vanessa. She was a stress management specialist which was going to be a big part of my documentary so I had to change my plans and think of something else. At the moment I am trying to get an interview with my doctor to cover for this as I will be able to ask doctors questions as to how people can deal with stress and how it affects them in short/long term.

What technical challenges did you face this week and how did you overcome them?
iMac 27"

The day I went to film my opening shots it began to rain which was causing problems as I was not able to film in the rain and had to wait for the rain to stop. During that time I decided to go eat as it was lunch time and thereafter filmed when the rain stopped. When I began to edit the iMac. I was using had technical difficulties as the sound was not working and this caused problems. I overcame this by not using headphones and editing; by next lesson my teacher had my computer fixed as I had informed my teacher.

What targets do you aim to achieve before your next entry?

My aim is to be able to film vox pops as this is a section in my documentary. I also want to finish editing the first interview and get the beginning of my documentary in place. I also want to record any voice overs which I will need in my documentary. I am hoping to receive a reply from the doctors and be given permission to film.