Friday, 21 November 2014

Analysing the competition

Obsessive compulsive cleaners:

The name of the show is 'Obsessive compulsive cleaners'. This show is about a group of people
who are obsessed with cleaning. They team up to clean some of Britain's dirtiest homes.This show is on channel 4 and usually broadcasted during the night at 12 am. This clearly indicates that the show is targeted towards older people such as parents or older children. This show is specifically presented at this time as they aware that their target audience will be watching TV during this time as they usually are home after work and school, so they have the time to chill and watch TV.This show has 2,600 views from the past week. This clearly shows how the audience are involved and engage with the show. The show has a high viewing figure which means the audience are engaged and also interact with the show by making sure they watch it.Obsessive compulsive cleaners has similarities to my show as cleaning too much or not cleaning at all can lead to stress. People can become stressed over minor issues such as the house not being cleaned so they become stressed at the amount of workload and cleaning they have to do. For example at 0.52 as audience we can tell the lady is getting frustrated and stressed by the amount of dirt and filth in the house.I would make sure that my show comes on after this show at 12.30 as I feel in order to target my audience I have to show them what stress is about. Having this show on before mine will ensure that the target audience of that show are interested in watching something which can explain why certain people get stressed over certain issues. Obsessive compulsive cleaners will ensure that the audience are aware that some people get stressed when there is a lot of mess and some people get stressed when they are told what to do. At 10.30 her tone of voice indicated that she was annoyed as she getting told what to do.

Confessions of a copper:

The name of this documentary is 'Confessions of a copper'. This show about 'The “confessions” concerned the career stories of eight former police officers, who were impressively candid about some former misdemeanors (always perpetrated by their colleagues)'.This documentary is on channel 4 and this documentary was broadcasted at 10.00 in the evening. This was the time slot for this show as it is not suitable for those under 16 which means the time slot would have to be when adults have access to the TV. This show has similarities to my documentary as the person who is confessing what they have done is under a lot of stress. Usually when a person is under stress they mention that which people may not have expected them to reveal.
My show would beat the viewing figures of this show as I would make sure I have my documentary on after this show at 11.00. This show received 3,942 views over the past week. This clearing indicates that this show is also a popular show however it also means that the audience enaged and entertained by this how will also be interested in my show as it links to stress. They will see the link and decide to also watch my documentary. The reason for this is because I am interested in the audience who are watching this show as it is likely that they will also enjoy my documentary. Having my documentary on straight after will also ensure that I gain more audiences awareness as they are in that mood of crime and confession and stress links well with confessions. Also how stress can be a good thing in certain situations such as confession time.

Supersize vs Superskinny:

The name of this show is 'Supersize vs superskinny'. Its a show were they get someone over weight and a person under weight to change meal plans to help them gain or lose weight. The people who are part of this show are interested in losing or gaining weight according to what they have experienced and compared to their health issues. This show is on Channel 4 its on during daytime 9.30-17.30. The reason why this is the time slot for this show is because it is likely that the show will receive the most viewers at this time. During this time its likely that adults will access to the TV and will have time to watch TV. The viewing figures for this show this week is 281,000 views. This is extremely high for a week which clearly indicates this is a popular show which attracts viewers to the show. This show also has loyal viewers who always watch every episode as they are interested and find this show engaging and amusing. This show has similarities to my documentary as it is also to do with stress. For example the people who are involved in this show such as the over weight person and under weight person, its obvious that they are stressed related to their weight and health as they have agreed to come and take on a challenge. They are either stressed at this point or throughout the show. For example when they have to switch food plans. At 16.20 the facial expressions shows how the lady is uncomfortable and does not want to eat. However as part of her challenge she must eat. Also at 21.26 its obvious that the lady is getting stressed related to her health and she wants to make a change to her diet and what she eats during the day. At 23.46 its also obvious that the other lady is getting stressed and tensed as she is hungry. She is tensed and wants to eat, not eating is getting her stressed and angry. In order to get the lady more motivated and happy they decide to bring her mum  and daughter as this will help reduce her stress level at 24.26. I will make sure that my show beats this show in terms of viewing figure as I will make sure I have my show on at 18.00. The reason for this is because, this will ensure that the viewers of this show are considering to watch what comes on after. They will see a link between both shows and it will encourage them to watch what comes on after this show. It also means that the show after has a link which is also as engaging as this show.

Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Five key question for my documentary

1- What is stress?

'Stress is caused by two things. Primarily it is down to whether you think situations around you are worthy of anxiety. And then it's down to how your body reacts to your thought processes. This instinctive stress response to unexpected events is known as 'fight or flight'. Stress is something which affects a person and how they deal with their daily life. At times the way in which people deal with stress is different to other people. Stress affects peoples daily life by causing them to react or behave a certain way. Some people can easily reduce the amount of stress they have by forgetting their problem however, some people allow the problem to affect them which causes them to be stressed. Some people deal with stress calmly and use meditation and exercise to help them. However some people are not calm and deal with stress by keeping it on their shoulder. A person can respond to stress through fight or flight. 'The fight or flight response was first noted by one of the early pioneers in stress research, Walter Cannon. In 1932 he established that when an organism experiences a shock or perceives a threat, it quickly releases hormones that help it to survive'. This is an experts opinion on how people respond to stress. The fight or flight theory basically means do you confront your stress by fighting against it or do you turn away from stress and run away from it.

2-Why do people get stressed?

'A US study by Professor Shelley Taylor found that women cope with stress better than men because of their female hormones'. According to 'A US study by Professor Shelley Taylor' she found of Women actually deal with stress better than men. This is interesting as personally I thought men would deal with stress better as women tend to get more stressed than men.  However according to research men tend to get more stressed than women and they also deal with stress better than men. This will help me when presenting facts to my audience as it will allow me to experiment weather people are aware of this fact or weather people need to be told this. I will try my best to do an experiment were I ask different public members weather they feel men or women get more stressed. Thereafter I will use my research and present what I have found out. (Expert opinion)

3-How can people overcome stress?

Men and women tend to overcome stress differently. They use different techniques to help them overcome stress however at times it depends on what the person is stressed on as to how they deal with it. 'Stress management starts with identifying the sources of stress in your life'. This allows the person to be aware of how to overcome stress. I will use this fact to inform my audience that people can overcome stress if they figure out what they are stressed about. one way in which people can deal with stress and how they can overcome it is avoiding unnecessary stress. 

Stress management strategy #1: Avoid unnecessary stress

Not all stress can be avoided, and it’s not healthy to avoid a situation that needs to be addressed. You may be surprised, however, by the number of stressors in your life that you can eliminate.
  • Learn how to say “no” – Know your limits and stick to them. Whether in your personal or professional life, taking on more than you can handle is a surefire recipe for stress.
  • Avoid people who stress you out – If someone consistently causes stress in your life and you can’t turn the relationship around, limit the amount of time you spend with that person or end the relationship entirely.
  • Take control of your environment – If the evening news makes you anxious, turn the TV off. If traffic’s got you tense, take a longer but less-traveled route. If going to the market is an unpleasant chore, do your grocery shopping online.
  • Avoid hot-button topics – If you get upset over religion or politics, cross them off your conversation list. If you repeatedly argue about the same subject with the same people, stop bringing it up or excuse yourself when it’s the topic of discussion.
  • Pare down your to-do list – Analyze your schedule, responsibilities, and daily tasks. If you’ve got too much on your plate, distinguish between the “shoulds” and the “musts.” Drop tasks that aren’t truly necessary to the bottom of the list or eliminate them entirely.

4-Who is affected by stress?

People dealing with stress are not the only ones affected by stress. There are many people who are affected such as the people involved in their daily lives. 'Take time to do mindfulness exercises with your family and coworkers, inquiring how different emotions feel, physically and mentally. Mindfully experience love, anger, fear, hate, jealously, stress, grief, gratitude and happiness. Share your feelings as you mindfully explore the power of your emotions'. This clearly allows us to outline the fact that the people who are also affected by stress is the person dealing with it and family. The people who you are always around are likely to be affected by your emotions as your behaviour and attitude towards them will also be different. One factor which will help is trying to involve your family in any activities you decide to take in order to deal with your stress. (Expert opinion) opinion)

5- How do men and women deal with stress differently?

'One of the most important reasons why men and women react differently to stress is hormones. Three play a crucial role: cortisol, epinephrine, and oxytocin'."People used to think there was a difference in the amounts of cortisol released during a stressful situation in women," says Robert Sapolsky, PhD, professor of neurobiology at Stanford University. 
The facts from the expert professor allows me to present the information and allow my audience to be aware of what they may not know. 'Stress management can be taught to both men and women, and more importantly, they can practice it together. Inner work, such as meditation and yoga, are effective in managing stress. Exercise, diet, and a normal sleep regimen are also effective in reducing stress'. This means that both men and women deal with stress differently however they can help each other and overcome stress together. There are also many ways in which people can deal with stress and also overcome it. Looking for the right technique and the technique which best helps you as an individual is the best way to treating it. (Expert opinion)

Park run-
People of all ages come to the local park to exercise together.

Friday, 7 November 2014

Focus group video feedback

Initial idea one: Why do people have animal phobia?

In this video I pitched my first initial idea which was 'why do people  have animal phobia'. As someone who is always scared of animals especially dogs I decided doing a documentary on phobias would be interesting. I received good feedback which helped me in improving my ideas and also helped me decide weather this topic was actually a good idea. From the feedback I received this was a good documentary idea however I feel it would be hard to present someone with a phobia infront of their phobia, as this may have a negative affect. This being my main limitation may cause problems for my documentary.

Initial idea two: How insomnia affects your daily life?

In this video I pitched my second  initial idea which was 'how insomnia affects your daily life'. I felt this topic would be interesting to document as I am also someone who suffers from insomnia and being able to discuss how I personally feel would allow me to portray to my audience that some peoples daily lives are more affected than others. I personally feel that my target audience are not really aware of what insomnia actually is. The feedback I received allowed me to think about how I could potentially make my documentary. It allowed me to think about how I could make the documentary more interesting by doing a vlog and showing how myself and a friend suffering from insomnia both react at different times of the day.

Initial idea three: Why do I have stress?

In this video I pitched my third and final initial idea which was 'Why do I have stress'. As someone who gets stressed really quickly I deciding doing a documentary on myself and why I get stressed would be an interesting documentary. This documentary could also help me improve my stress levels and help me deal with stress. The feedback allowed me to think of other ideas such as doing a vlog on when I feel stressed as it will add a realism to the documentary. Another idea suggested was doing a 'before and after' and showing how it helped or did not help me through the process. After receiving the feedback and suggestions on how I could improve my documentary idea I feel this topic idea is the best one out of the three. I have decided to make this my final choice as I have received good feedback and good suggestions which I could potentially use when doing my documentary.